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Grace Zheng Global AI Ventures & Co. Coaching.gradient1.png
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We facilitate solving high-value problems with clear strategy and purpose-driven action for growth in careers and small businesses in the age of AI.

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Career Coaching

Facilitate career pivot, transition, assessment, goal-setting, breakdown into practical steps, execution, accountability, reflection, improvement, and growth in skillsets, personal development, and wellness.


Marketing for Yourself

Marketing is NOT only for a business; it is equally important for YOURSELF, whether you're a professional at any career level or a founder.


Branding and self-advocacy, especially in a new environment, require mindset refinement.


Stand out by leveraging public speaking, strategic communication, building influence, credibility, and stronger connections. Attract greater opportunities in jobs, collaborations, and business.


Acing Interview in Tech and Marketing

The QUICKEST way to stand out and land a career at the level you deserve without endless struggles in job searches and interview failures.


Finding a Soulful Business

Pivoting to monetise your expertise, creativity and passion in your business, turning products and brands into high-value problem solvers. 

From in-depth analysis and assessment of where you are now, to positioning your brand and product, identifying your niche, determining the buyer journey mapping and funnel you should use, and crafting effective strategies. We handle delivery, launch, testing and iteration, refinement, and improvement to scale. We've got your back.

Achieving fulfilment and love in your career, or business while helping others achieve their desired outcomes. 


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What people say

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AI advisory, digital transformation, business audit, and unlocking AI marketing strategies for sustainable business growth and optimal ROI.

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AI Marketing, Business Strategy, Data-driven Marketing strategy for growth.




 I help you get 1% percent better each day; for one year, you’ll end up 37% times better by the time you’re done. That's the magic.

Ace AI Marketing, Product Marketing, Digital Marketing in tech interviews, helping rising leaders and leaders in leveraging leadership communication and storytelling in nailing marketing mid and leadership roles in the age of Artificial Intelligence. 

Career Pivot Internationally, Acing Interview in AI Marketing, Tech Marketing, Product Marketing and Analytics Roles. 

Uplift Global leadership transformation, mindset refinement, leadership communication, public speaking, storytelling, and wellness.

Helping you thrive and shine in your roles and life with PEACE, and ease. 

Build Stronger Global Leadership and Influence

Facilitating income leaps for leaders, offering strategies, mindset shifts, and execution plans for monetising your expertise and experience. Work for yourself and achieve your desired lifestyle. 

Turn Products and Brands into High-value Problem Solver

Open for speaking collaborations. Grace has been delivering keynote speaking, panel speaking, leading a variety of immersive talks on the international stage about Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and Digital Marketing, and leadership.

Open for Public Speaking and Collaborations

Featured Projects


Live Streams 

Follow our LinkedIn Page to access future and past Live events and interviews in Artificial Intelligence, tech, marketing and leadership for business growth and career development. 

Follow and get access.

Tech AI Marketing & Leadership Academy

Empower rising leaders in tech and tech marketing to collapse time and achieve their goals, including dream jobs, career progression, fulfilment, and income leaps, all with peace and confidence.
Would you like to join us?

Solopreneurs & Creators Community

Inner circle supporting Solopreneurs, coaches, consultants, and creators in achieving profitability and fulfillment through roundtables, networking, and collaborations, supporting each other on this incredible journey.

Speaking & Podcast, Event Collaborations

Open to collaborations on live events, webinars, online and offline events, interviews, podcasts.

Grace is a keynote speaker on leadership, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, and business strategy.

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